Thursday, July 10, 2008

Let's get some things straight about the upcoming war with Iran

A Good Analysis by The Saker

"The upcoming war with Iran is again back in the news and while the international media is awash with reports and discussions about the recent Iranian missile test, some usually savvy observers, such as Tom Englehardt and Tony Karon, now say that the US-Israeli aggression on Iran will not happen at all. So which is it - Iranian missiles raining down on Israel or no war at all?Neither.....

The reality is that all the actors in the upcoming war as fine ready, as ready as can be.One gut got it right: Pepe Escobar. Check out his article "Iran's Missiles are Just for Show". Not only does Escobar explain that the missile issue is vastly overblown, but he even outlines the *real* preparations the Iranians have made....."

COMMENT: In line with Escobar's outline of Iranian preparations was this article from Al-Manar which I posted here: Iran Setting up 'Passive Defense' Plan. It details an analysis by MEMRI and published in the Jerusalem Post. According to MEMRI, the Iranians realize that the USraeli goal is to topple the regime in Tehran by destroying the infrastructure to turn the public against the regime. The primary goal of the passive defense is to decentralize and to ensure continuity of decentralized government and continuity of services to the public.

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