Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Overview and Particpants about the Coming Boat

Greta Berlin, From Los Angeles

"The Free Gaza Movement plans to break the medical aid blockade of Gaza by sea. On the weekly radio show, Questioning War- Organizing Resistance, Monday, July 21st from 8-10 pm (Pacific Time), seven of the courageous travelers will give details of the upcoming voyage, its purpose, their motivations. Forty-one people from 16 countries are committed to this action and ending the blockade of the truth of the Palestinians' plight from reaching the world........

Listen to Questioning War- Organizing Resistance on WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.comMonday, July 21, 2008, from 8:00- 9:00 pm (PST) in the first hour and to our guests - Darlene Wallach, Kathleen Wang, Hedy Epstein, and Greta Berlin and
in the second hour, 9:00- 10:00 pm (PST) to our guests - Mary Hughes-Thompson, Bill Dienst, and David Halpin.

Our guests are part of The Free Gaza Movement who are gathering in Cyprus to voyage to the Gaza Strip to break through the blockade against urgently needed medical supplies......"

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