Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Palestinian Village Takes On Israeli Military

By Mel Frykberg

"RAMALLAH, Jul 8 (IPS) - Ambulances were again prevented Monday from entering the central West Bank village of Ni'ilin, near Ramallah, to evacuate the ill and the wounded. Supplies of medicines were running low, as confrontations continued with youths defying a four-day-old curfew imposed by the Israeli military.

The Israeli army had surrounded the village and ordered residents to remain indoors and was also preventing the media from entering Ni'ilin, said Salah al-Khawaja, spokesman for the Ni'lin Committee for Resisting the Separation Barrier.

Following intense media coverage and a meeting between the Ni'ilin Village Committee and the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), the curfew was lifted Tuesday morning. But the protestors have refused to give up the fight for their land or committed to ceasing demonstrations......"

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