Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Palestinians Deserve Better Leadership

A Very Good Piece

By Hasan Afif El-Hasan
Palestine Chronicle

".....Israel will get everything it wants from the Mediterranean Union Partnership Conference including legitimacy and recognition by Arab members without giving anything back, and the Palestinian people will be the losers. The Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni said, “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict need not be an obstacle between countries in the region”. Israel may be able to succeed in joining the Mediterranean union with eight Arab members including the Palestinian Authority. By not promoting the interests of his people, Abbas and his cronies are accomplices to the long suffering Palestinians under occupation or in refugee camps. His leadership is morally bankrupt for trading the national cause for promise of donors’ money and the fantasy titles with privileges and a fiefdom in an Apartheid regime. The Palestinian Authority does not exist in any meaningful, tangible terms, according to the Palestinian scholar, Issa Khalaf.

It is imperative for the Palestinians to stop supporting the bankrupt and corrupt group that saddled them with the Oslo agreements catastrophe, and choose better leadership. No population since the nineteenth century sacrificed as much as the Palestinians to hold on to their land and achieved so little if any, mostly because of poor leadership. They should have the leadership they deserve; they must choose better leaders. "

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