Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Palestinians' Options: Death of the 2 State Solution

Contributed by Lucia in Spain

By Hasan Afif El-Hasan

Palestine Chronicle

".....With the failure of the two-state solution, the Palestinians have to look for other options. They may choose the Algerians’ liberation war against France model or the South African National Congress (ANC) example after its military wing was defeated and most of its leaders including Nelson Mandela were jailed.

The Algerians National Liberation Front (NLF) defeated the superior French military in a war that lasted from 1954 to 1962 and forced France to recognize Algeria’s independence. It was at the cost of more than one million killed, victims of fighting and collective punishment, and hundreds of thousands deported or confined into besieged refugee camps. The NLF had strong logistic support from neighboring Tunisia and Morocco and Egypt under President Nasser provided arms and financial aid. And more important, the Algerian leaders were uncompromising on freeing every inch of their country from the French colonialists. The Palestinian people have already matched the Algerians in their sacrifices, but the PLO leadership compromised too much in Oslo agreements with the Israelis. They only got “municipal responsibilities in Bantustans controlled from the outside by Israel” according to the late Edward Said.

During the liberation war, the NFL divided Algeria into six sectors each with its own fighting unit cooperating in the military and political war against the French colonialists; but the Palestinian leadership has divided the occupied land into two territories and the Palestinians into two competing groups fighting each other. The PLO leaders who control the West Bank today have transformed themselves from leading a liberation movement into a Palestinian Authority (PA) bureaucrats and part time business people running their consumers monopolies for personal profit. They transformed their liberation militias into the image of Antoine Lahad South Lebanese Army supporting the Israelis in the fight against the occupation resistance. They traded the national cause for handouts from donors who do not conceal their hostility toward the Palestinians......

It is time for the Palestinian people to stop the ongoing negotiations over their legitimate human rights as rewards for “good behavior” and start insisting that their God-given rights are nonnegotiable. "

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