Thursday, July 24, 2008

Prosecute IOF Abuse in Ni'lin Village; Please Sign the Petition

A worthy petition


Please consider signing this important petition (forwarded by Willow Heske).


Hello all!

As many of you are aware there was a major human rights abuse in Ni'lin Village, Palestine on July 7, 2008. If you have been following my work with the Advocacy Project this summer, than you already know that Ni'lin has a special place in my heart.

The abuse was documented on video and can be viewed through the following link:

On behalf of the village of Ni'lin I ask you to sign the following petition and distribute it widely across any and all networks you have access to: are trying to get as many signatures as possible in 1 week and then will hold a media event to deliver the signatures. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE distribute this petition to all the networks you can. --

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