Saturday, July 5, 2008

Putting The Lion-Hearted to Work: Sarkozy Vows to Press Syria to Help Free Shalit


"05/07/2008 French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday he would press his Syrian counterpart Bashar Al-Assad to use "all the power" of his country to free Israeli occupation soldier Gilad Shalit who was captured by Hamas in June 2006.

Sarkozy has invited Assad to Paris along with some 40 foreign leaders for a summit on July 13 to launch a new "Mediterranean Union", aimed at boosting cooperation between European Union and north African and Middle Eastern rim states.

"I will have the opportunity, when I see ... President Bashar Al-Assad, to ask him to use all Syria's power so that the soldier Shalit is freed," said Sarkozy, who is to meet separately
with Assad on the eve of the summit

He made his comments in a speech welcoming the Colombian former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, a joint French national who was released this week after six years as a hostage of rebels in the Colombian jungle."

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