Friday, July 4, 2008

Rice 'proud' of Iraq invasion, thinks world is safer

"Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tells Judy Woodruff that she remains "proud" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, although it has been "tougher than any of us really dreamed.''

"And we can never replace the people who have been lost; we can never do anything to soothe the pain of the family and friends that they have left behind," Rice said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. "But we are seeing a change in Iraq for the better. And when we talk about Iran, there is no greater barrier to Iranian influence in the region, negative Iran influences in the region, than a strong Iraq that has a strong Arab identity [the bitch has discovered Iraq's Arab identity!], that is at peace with its neighbors, and that has a good relationship with the United States."

Rice also dismissed the perception that the world is a more dangerous place since President Bush took office....."

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