Sunday, July 6, 2008

This is Zionism: Video: Palestinian: Soldiers looked on as settlers assaulted me

"(Video) Man beaten by settlers in South Mount Hebron on Saturday tells Ynet of moments of fear, IDF troops' failure to intervene. 'I called out to the soldiers for help, but they didn't move,' he says

A Palestinian beaten by settlers in South Mount Hebron on Saturday claimed IDF soldiers stationed in the area refused to help him.

"I was beaten by the settlers for about 40 minutes. They hit me all over my body, but mainly in the head, the stomach, the pelvis and the shoulders. I lost consciousness a few times, and when I woke up I called out to the soldiers who were there, 'Help, stop them, help me,' but they didn’t move," the man, Abu Karash, told Ynet on Sunday morning.

Abu Karash, a teacher, received medical treatment at the Hebron hospital. He was released after doctors diagnosed him as suffering from internal injuries.

After returning home, he told Ynet, "I was working with a number of Palestinian farmers on our lands, when we noticed a fire not far away. We tried to put it out, but were suddenly attacked by four settlers. They took control of me and dragged me into their outpost, several meters away."

The Palestinian said he was tied to a pole at the outpost. "They made me take off my shoes, and used the laces to tie my hands. I was forced to walk on thistles the entire time, and it was very painful."

According to Abu Karash, after 40 minutes of being tied to a pole, the soldiers began moving closer to him. "I thought they were finally going to end my suffering, but to my surprise, the settlers began shouting at the soldiers. It was clear the troops were carrying out the settlers' orders."

Shortly afterward, the police arrived at the area. The police officers questioned Abu Karash on the incident, and informed him that he should arrive at the Kiryat Arba police station for an additional interrogation after he is released from hospital and feels better.

Farmers of the village of Samoa reported recently that settlers from the nearby outpost of Asael have been turning their lives into a living hell, and that the police and army have done nothing to stop the daily harassment against the farmers and their lands........"

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