Thursday, July 31, 2008

Transcript: Israeli military kills 10-year-old in Nilin

Ahmed Mousa (facing camera) photographed four hours before he was shot and killed by Israeli forces. (

Transcript, Flashpoints, 30 July 2008

The following is a transcript of Flashpoints, hosted by Nora Barrows-Friedman, broadcast on 30 July 2008:

"A member of the Israeli occupation military's border police shot and killed a 10-year-old Palestinian boy yesterday evening in the West Bank village of Nilin. Ahmed Mousa was shot in the head by live ammunition, according to eyewitnesses, as he turned and left an area that was being targeted with rubber-coated steel bullets by the Israeli military during a demonstration against the annexation wall built on the village land. Several soldiers were ordered to remove themselves from the demonstration by commanding officers, according to a report by the Palestine Solidarity Project, for their violent and "undisciplined" behavior.

Flashpoints spoke with two activists about what happened in Nilin yesterday as the ethnic cleansing project continues unabated in occupied Palestine. Bekah Wolf is with the Palestine Solidarity Project,; and Yonatan Pollack is with Anarchists Against the Wall, Yonatan spoke to Flashpoints from a demonstration outside Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak's home in Tel Aviv. Last night he was at the hospital with Ahmed Mousa after the demonstration.

Nora Barrows-Friedman: Yonatan, let's start with you. Right after 10-year-old Ahmed Mousa was shot in the head by Israeli occupation forces, you were at the hospital and spent some time there -- what did you see, what happens to a child who has just been shot in the head by the fourth largest military in the world?

Yonatan Pollack: His head was pretty much blown off. There was an entry wound in his forehead that completely destroyed his face, and the back of his head was just missing. His brain was not there. The exit wound just blew off the majority of the back of his head........"

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