Thursday, July 17, 2008

Triumph and tragedy in the Middle East

There was mourning in Israel and Lebanon today, but most pundits see the exchange of prisoners and bodies as a victory for Hizbullah

Jonathan Steele in Jerusalem, Wednesday July 16, 2008

".....So while there was mourning on both sides, only in Lebanon was there any real sense of triumph today. The Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora sought to make it a state occasion by going to Beirut airport to meet the Hizbullah fighters, but pundits in Israel as well as Lebanon see the swap as a victory mainly for Hizbullah. After all, it was not the Lebanese government which arranged it. Hizbullah did, through intermediaries. Inevitably it now claims the return of the four prisoners as Olmert's final humiliation and, in effect, an admission of defeat......."

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