Friday, July 4, 2008

Wall slices off al-Khader's famous vineyards

Adri Nieuwhof writing from al-Khader, occupied West Bank, Live from Palestine, 4 July 2008

A Palestinian man participates in a demonstration against the wall at al-Khader, February 2008.

"Since early January the Palestinian village of al-Khader located near Bethlehem in the West Bank has protested against Israel's construction of the Apartheid Wall and Jewish-only settlements built on village land every week. Al-Khader is known in the region for its vineyards which produce excellent-quality grapes. In the past they were sold all over the West Bank and Israel but farmers can no longer get their produce to the market. I traveled to al-Khader to witness the impact of the wall on the village at the invitation of Samer Jaber of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements......"

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