Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wanted: A Panel Discussion in Which YOU Are a Panelist

Here is a new idea which I would like to try and I appreciate your feedback.

Once in a while a good and useful discussion ensues in the comment section which triggers several ideas. I thought that instead of scattered and disjointed contributions buried in the comment section, we instead periodically organize panel discussions. The topics can be decided upon collectively. Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate. I will collate and organize the contributions and present them as a panel discussion. You are encouraged to contribute your own ideas on the subject as well as supply links to articles, videos, audios that relate to the topic of the panel.

I propose this as the topic of the first panel:

De-development in the Arab world: causes, implications and projections.

It is becoming increasingly clear that while the rest of the world moves ahead, the Arab world has been going back. This is true using just about any measure: democracy, freedom of expression, distribution of wealth, education, health, housing, name it. This de-development has been reflected in the total political bankruptcy and irrelevance of the Arab world. The regimes of the region have, by and large, become vassals of Washington. Never, even during the colonial era of a century ago, have the Arabs reached such lows. The question is how did this come about? Was it unintentional or a direct result of globalization? If it is the latter, why and how is Latin America breaking away?

I hear from people who lived in countries such as Algeria which had great promise, due to natural resources, that conditions today are much worse than they were in the seventies and eighties. The rich elite are richer than ever while the vast majority are struggling with grinding poverty. People in such conditions have no time nor energy for political action and participation. Was this the plan all along?

The same is true in Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, you name it.

What do you think of this idea? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section, and those are much appreciated.

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