Thursday, July 24, 2008

WAR PIMP ALERT: Ashkenazi: Block Iranian aggression

Press TV

"It is crucial for world powers to block the 'Iranian aggression' in the Middle East, says Israeli army chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi.

Ashkenazi, on his first visit to Washington as the army chief of staff, accused Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons and spreading aggression in the region.

In a brief speech on Wednesday, He also claimed that radical elements were attempting to disturb the regional balance, as part of an imminent paradigm shift in the Middle East.

At the center of this radical axis is Iran, who seeks to achieve its regional aspiration of hegemony by upsetting the existing power balance, he alleged.

Ashkenazi accused Iran of backing terror organizations and radical groups, pursuing nuclear arms, and projecting power within the region and beyond.

He summed up by saying believes it is crucial that 'the Iranian aggression' be blocked, which might in turn weaken the regional radicalization process being observed in such places as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon as well as the Palestinian territories......."

Ashkenazi Rallies Washington for Iran War


"24/07/2008 Israeli Army Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi told reporters in Washington that Israel prefers to find a “diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear threat,” but must prepare for all scenarios. “My duty is to ready the army for war, to fight and to win,” he said.

Ashkenazi, who is on an official visit to Washington, met Wednesday with US Vice President Dick Cheney and with Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte.

On Thursday, he is expected to hold a series of meetings with senior US army officials at the Pentagon, headed by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen.
"We are all united in thinking that Iran should not be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon, and there is no doubt that the preference is for diplomatic activity and for sanctions," Ashkenazi said following his meetings Wednesday.

Ashkenazi said the goal of his trip was "to understand the American outlook on the issues and problems in the Middle East. This is an excellent opportunity to make it clear to them how we see things. In this sense we see things eye to eye. We have no disagreements. The cooperation is very good.""

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