Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why the Socialist Solution in Palestine!

By Adel Samara
Palestine Think Tank

"More than ever before, the One-State Solution (OSS) [i] for the Arab-Israeli conflict jumps to the forefront of the debate by some Israeli and Palestinian activists.

While some returned to this solution after they realized that the Two-State Solution, which they believed in, is vague, others did so because they are accustomed to shift from one position to another.

But most of those who argue for OSS, i.e. those who argue for the so-called Secular Democratic State in Palestine (SDS) have fallen in the trap of ignoring the current situation.

Any argument regarding OSS should consider the following facts:

1) The argument for OSS follows PLO Internalization of Defeat (IOD) [ii] in the struggle against the Zionist settler colonial regime.

2) The reality in Palestine didn’t reveal any hint of change or moderation from the side of Zionist Ashkenazi regime (ZAR) in both, popular and formal circles.

3) Arab and Palestinian ruling comprador is showing more and more compromise of the Palestinian Right of Return (ROR) and all Palestinian rights.

4) The vast majority of Jews in Palestine are still moving substantially towards war and more land confiscation.

5) The ruling classes in the capitalist core countries are preparing more wars in the region, a development that does leave any room for any democratic or humanitarian results.

While these facts on the ground work obviously against OSS, they breed two main points......"

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