Saturday, August 2, 2008

Because the Pharaoh Has No Balls: Five patients die due to the siege in 24 hours

"Ramo Abdo, media spokesperson of the Popular Committee Against the Siege, reported on Friday that five patients died in the Gaza Strip in 24 hours, one of the patients is a three-month old infant who suffered from a heart disease.

In a press release, Abdo stated that the patients died after being barred from leaving the Gaza Strip to receive medical treatment abroad as Israel continues its siege over Gaza, and the hospitals became unable to provide medical treatment, especially to patients with critical conditions.

The infant was identified as Ahmad Abu Amra.

Also, Khadeeja Al Assar, from Deir Al Balah in the central Gaza Strip, died of kidney cancer after being barred from leaving the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

An elderly patient, identified as Jamal Mahmoud Abu Qishta, from Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, died of brain tumor on Thursday evening. He was also barred from leaving the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

On Friday morning, patient Amal Ahmad Al Raba’ey, 44, died on cancer although she had all transfer papers ready for medical treatment abroad.

Also on Friday, patient Fayiz Al Za’aneen, 37, from Beit Haoun in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, died of cancer; he had all transfer papers ready but was barred from leaving the Gaza Strip.

Abdo voiced an appeal to Egypt to intervene and enable the patients to leave Gaza in order to receive the needed medical treatment.

He also stated that hundreds of students who study abroad and came visit their families are now stranded in the Gaza Strip and unable to go back to their universities and colleges. "

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