Saturday, August 30, 2008

Break-Their-Legs-Abul Gheit Wants to Send Arab (read Egyptian) Troops into Gaza to End Hamas' Presence

أبو الغيط: وجود قوات عربية في غزة فكرة جذابة وحُكم "حماس" وضع غير طبيعي

I will post the English version of this very important story, as soon as it is available. I posted a couple of items in the past week about this critical issue.

The recent meeting between King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and the Pharaoh, as well as the subsequent meeting of Ehud Barak with the Pharaoh dealt with implementing this very dangerous plan. The Pharaoh needs Israel's approval before he attempts to send Egyptian troops into Gaza.

Hamas has warned that it will consider any and all such troops as hostile occupation troops and that it will fight them. This remains to be seen. But this is the unfolding drama together with Abbas spearheading efforts to declare Gaza a "renegade territory!"

"القاهرة - المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام

وصف وزير الخارجية المصري أحمد أبو الغيط فكرة إرسال قوات عربية إلى قطاع غزة بأنها "فكرة جذابة تستحق أن تؤخذ بالجدية اللازمة".

وقال: "إن وجود قوات عربية على الأرض يمكن أن يساعد على منع الاقتتال ووقف الصدام الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني، ويمكن أن يتيح للفلسطينيين إعادة بناء إمكانياتهم داخل القطاع وبشكل يحقق الوئام"، على حد تعبيره.

وحذّر أبو الغيط، الذي تتوافق تصريحاته بشأن تواجد قوات عربية في غزة مع دعوة رئيس السلطة محمود عباس، من استمرار الوضع الحالي الفلسطيني على مستقبل القضية الفلسطينية والشعب الفلسطيني، وقال "إذا استمر هذا الوضع فسوف يأتي يوم يكون في الحديث عن كيف سقطت القضية الفلسطينية .. وكيف سقطت الدولة الفلسطينية .. وكيف سقط مستقبل الشعب الفلسطيني".

وأضاف يقول في حديث صحفي ينشر في القاهرة غداً الأحد: "إن غزة تحكم حالياً من قبل حماس، ومصر لازالت ترى أن هذا الوضع غير طبيعي وأن طبيعة الأمور وشرعيتها تفرض عودة السلطة الفلسطينية لممارسة أعمالها، وهناك الكثير من الآراء التي تطرح حالياً من حيث تحقيق المصالحة".

وبشأن معبر رفح؛ أكد أبو الغيط تمسك مصر باتفاق عام 2005 الخاص بالمعبر، وقال "إن مصر تتمسك بهذا الاتفاق لأنها تعترف بالسلطة الفلسطينية وبسيطرتها الموحدة على الضفة وغزة وبكل ما وقعته من اتفاقيات"، كما قال
. "

Abu Al-Ghait: Sending Arab troops to Gaza is an attractive idea

"CAIRO, (PIC)-- Egyptian foreign minister Ahmad Abu Al-Ghait has described on Saturday the idea of sending Arab troops to control the Gaza Strip as an "attractive" idea that should be seriously taken into consideration.

According to Abu Al-Ghait, the presence of Arab troops in the tiny Gaza Strip would help prevent inter-Palestinian fighting, and it would serve as buffer between the Palestinians and the Israeli occupation army that, according to him, would give the Palestinians enough time to rebuild their capabilities inside the populated Strip.

The statements of Abu Al-Ghait harmonize with the call of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas who welcomed the idea of dispatching Arab troops into Gaza Strip.

Hamas Movement took over security in Gaza Strip after it succeeded in defeating elements of the mutiny trend in Fatah faction and the defunct PA security apparatuses that were working on command of the disgraced Fatah leader Mohammed Dahalan, and routed them out of Gaza Strip nearly 14 months ago, which was met with overwhelming popular support and satisfaction from the Strip's inhabitants.

The Egyptian official also opined that leaving the current Palestinian internal disputes unsolved would harm the Palestinian issue and would badly affect the Palestinian people.

"If the status quo in the Palestinian arena is prolonged, then a time when we would ask how the Palestinian cause was lost?… how the Palestinian state was lost?….and how the future of the Palestinian people was lost? would come", Abu Al-Ghait said in an press interview in the capital Cairo which is expected to be published on Sunday.

Hamas Movement and the rest of the Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza Strip had repeatedly opposed sending any Arab or foreign troops into Gaza Strip, and vowed to deal with such troops as "occupation troops".

Furthermore, Abu Ghait clearly voiced out his government's opposition to Hamas's control over the Gaza Strip, and publicly supported the return of Abbas's Fatah authority to it.

"Gaza [Strip] is currently ruled by Hamas, which Egypt still considers as an abnormal situation as Egypt believes that the [Fatah-controlled] PA leadership [in Ramallah city] should return to control the Gaza Strip once again… There were many ideas that are suggested to achieve Palestinian national reconciliation", Abu Al-Ghait pointed out.

Hamas Movement led the PA unity government before Abbas abruptly dissolved it last year; and currently serves as a caretaker government in accordance with the Palestinian basic law.

According to local and foreign observers, Hamas Movement succeeded in efficiently steering security and day-to-day life matters of the 1.5 million Palestinians in the Strip despite the crippling Israeli economic siege on it for more than two years now.

Moreover, Abu Al-Ghait reiterated his government's adherence to the infamous crossings agreement that was signed by Dahalan and the Israeli occupation government on 2005 denying the Palestinians any authority over the Rafah crossing point ( the only exit that links the Gaza Strip with the rest of the world).

Abu-Ghait was once quoted as saying that Egypt would break the legs of any Palestinian who attempts to cross the Rafah gate without permit."

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