Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cyprus lets activists sail to Gaza, despite Israeli siege

"LARNACA, Cyprus - Cyprus will allow two boats carrying members of a U.S.-based activist group to sail for Gaza in defiance of Israel's blockade of the Palestinian territory, authorities here said Wednesday.....

Protest organizer Paul Larudee said the boats - the 21-meterFree Gaza and 18-meter Liberty - will set sail around midnight tonight from Larnaca port for the estimated 30-hour trip.

Members of the Free Gaza protest group said some 40 activists from 16 countries, including 81-year-old Catholic nun Anne Montgomery, will attempt to break the blockade Israel imposed on Gaza last year in a bid to set a precedent for others to follow. They plan to deliver 200 hearing aids to a Palestinian charity for children.....

Thomas Nelson, 64, said the group expects the Israeli navy to intercept the boats and arrest those onboard. The Portland, Oregon-based attorney said activists plan to resist any attempts to arrest them in a non-violent way. Nelson said there is no security threat to Israel here, except the truth and Israel is afraid of the truth.

Nelson said lawyers from the U.S.-based National Lawyers' Guild would file legal action against Israel in an appropriate legal forum if Israeli authorities kidnap activists in international waters."

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