Saturday, August 2, 2008

Exiled Egyptian activist sentenced


"Saad Eddin Ibrahim, an outspoken critic of the Egyptian government, has been sentenced to two years in prison.

The sociologist and human rights activist, who is currently in the United States, was convicted for "tarnishing Egypt's reputation," the country's official MENA news agency said......

Since June 2007, Ibrahim has been moving between Qatar, the US and Spain and has expressed fear of arrest if he returned to Egypt......

Prosecuting lawyers, Abul Naga al-Mehrezi and Hossam Salim, took the case against Ibrahim to court and accused him of defaming the country after a series of articles and speeches on citizenship and democracy in which he criticised the Egyptian regime........

The 69-year-old went into exile several months ago, citing a climate prejudicial to political opposition and human rights.

A vocal critic of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, Ibrahim was quoted in the Washington Post last year as saying he preferred to remain outside Egypt for fear of being arrested "or worse".......

Ibrahim, who founded the Ibn Khaldoun Centre for Development Studies, was sentenced in 2001 to seven years for, again, "tarnishing Egypt's reputation," before being freed on appeal after spending 10 months behind bars."

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