Thursday, August 21, 2008

Harsh words: but true

The language used by al-Aqsa TV shocked me, but there's no denying it reflects the reality of the Palestinian experience

Seth Freedman, Thursday August 21 2008

".....While I understand how emotionally invested people (myself included) become when focusing on the conflict, we should not allow a situation where plainly-spoken facts are dismissed simply because the reader or viewer feels uncomfortable with the truth. Much as I flinched initially when sitting in the Palestinian family's lounge hearing my country described in such incendiary language on the news, I could understand why they used those terms in their reports.
Settlers are colonisers, just as the IDF is a force engaged in occupation, and any attempt to try to paint the scenario otherwise is both disingenuous and deceitful. Anyone who feels that the western media is incorrigibly biased in favour of the Palestinians would do well to consider the entire spectrum of opinion on what constitutes fair reporting and honest language, before making such sweeping judgments. Because from where the Palestinians are sitting, under the yoke of occupation, the picture looks very different from the one Zionism's supporters would have the world believe."

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