Wednesday, August 20, 2008

In Europe, as in Asia, Nato leaves a trail of catastrophe

This outdated military alliance is playing with fire in Russia. In Pakistan and Afghanistan it is playing with dynamite

Simon Jenkins
The Guardian, Wednesday August 20 2008

"Nato is useless. It has failed to bring stability to Afghanistan, as it failed to bring it to Serbia. It just breaks crockery. Nato has proved a rotten fighting force, which in Kabul is on the brink of being sidelined by exasperated Americans. Nor is it any better at diplomacy: witness its hamfisted handling of east Europe. As the custodian of the west's postwar resistance to the Soviet Union's nuclear threat it served a purpose. Now it has become a diplomats' Olympics, irrelevant but with bursts of extravagant self-importance......

Peace in Afghanistan might not matter over much. But its absence will grossly destabilise Pakistan, and that matters greatly. Is this to be another feather in Nato's cap?"

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