Sunday, August 17, 2008

IOA threatens activists boarding siege-breaking vessels

"GAZA, (PIC)-- MP Jamal Al-Khudari, the chairman of the popular committee against the siege, has revealed that international activists boarding the siege-breaking ships heading to the Gaza Strip within the few coming days had received threats.

Khudari told a press conference in Gaza on Saturday that the Israeli occupation authority is responsible for those threats in its capacity as the sole party that objected to the arrival of the ships and said it would block them.

He explained that the threats were directly voiced on phone or indirectly through other means, adding that their families were also threatened.

The MP said that threats would not deter or terrorize those activists but rather would boost their determination to go ahead with their mission of solidarity.

The ships are heading to Gaza to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and the one and a half million besieged people in the Gaza Strip, Khudari highlighted, noting that the activists were of various nationalities and different age categories but all were boarding the ships for the single goal of drawing the world's attention to the plight of Gaza and to the IOA's collective punishment against its inhabitants.

He said that the activists plan to anchor at Gaza, tour its various districts and return with sick and stranded people after delivering their shipment of relief.

A position paper by the Israeli foreign ministry's legal department says Israel has the right to use force against the demonstrators as part of the "Oslo Accords, which names Israel as responsible for Gaza's territorial waters".

An Israeli official said the foreign ministry's paper means that security forces could detain the vessels upon entry to Gaza's territorial waters, arrest the passengers and haul the ship to Israel, where the detainees could be interrogated."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Когда я делала или говорила что-то, что не устраивало его, в возражение получала оскорбления, которые росли как снежный ком. Только с каждым сразу становилось хуже, уже пошли в течение руки и ноги. Соло единовременно простила, он клялся, который больше отроду, а для следующий написала заявление в милицию, уехала восвояси, через два месяца встретила его. Я с коляской, а он держит следовать руку барышню и с таким гордым видом, смотри какая молодая и красивая, не то, что ты (я для него была старая и страшная). Вот и вся семья. Стараюсь держать себя в руках, только ровно вижу его, очень простой и паки сплошная мука!!! Мысли исключительно о нем. [url=]дружба мужчины и женщины[/url]
