Friday, August 22, 2008

Middle East still at war: the US is losing but the winners are unclear

by Phyllis Bennis

Global Research, August 21, 2008

"In a period of rapid decline of American power around the world, the danger of choosing military force to assert US global reach becomes more, not less likely, and nowhere is that more clear than in the Middle East.

This is a period of rapid and dramatic decline of American economic power around the world, and that, along with massive anger directed at U.S. policies around the world, has resulted in a precipitous drop in U.S. diplomatic and political influence. As a result, for those committed to maintaining Washington's superpower status, choosing military force to assert U.S. global reach becomes more, not less likely. Forcing a real end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq is more difficult than ever. U.S. military support to Israel is higher than ever. And the danger of a U.S. military strike on Iran remains as high as ever....."

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