Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Palestinian rights group commends international activists

Statement, Al-Haq, 26 August 2008

".....The "Free Gaza" movement is an indication of the strong role which grassroots civil society movements have come to play in international politics, through their ability to generate public attention to human rights violations. It was precisely the ability of the "Free Gaza" movement to engineer widespread media attention which forced Israel to abandon its original decision to halt the progress of the boat, to avoid any negative publicity which may occur as a result.

It is clear that the growth of this form of direct action stems from the abject failure of the international community to uphold international law. Despite the flagrant disregard Israel, the occupying power, displays towards its legal obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law to the civilian population of the Gaza Strip, the international community remains tacitly complicit in supporting Israeli policies through its failure to implement all means necessary to end these violations. To date the urgent human rights situation has remained subordinate to political calculations, which have prevented any significant measure towards putting an end to Israel's occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) or forcing Israel to abide by its legal obligations under international law.

The actions of the Free Gaza Movement demonstrates the need, now more than ever, for civil society movements to coordinate and strategize its role in drawing international attention to the daily suffering of the Palestinian people and to the denial of their right to self-determination. Al-Haq encourages similar grassroots endeavors, which promote a change in the political will to put an end to the violations of the rights of the Palestinian people in the OPT. The success of the Free Gaza Movement should act as an inspiration to continue with these initiatives."

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