Friday, August 1, 2008

Separation anxiety?

Signs point to a reconfiguration of Syria's relation to Iran, though the signals are mixed

By Bassel Oudat from Damascus
Al-Ahram Weekly

".....Recently, Damascus seems to be doing a lot of things differently: talking to Europe, staying out of Lebanon, talking to the Israelis, and generally stressing the pragmatic aspect of its foreign policy.

When President Al-Assad was in Paris recently, he offered to help resolve inter- Palestinian differences. Then he gave a warm welcome to President Mahmoud Abbas in Damascus a few weeks ago. Damascus is said to be advising Palestinian groups, including Hamas, to cool things down for now.

Damascus distanced itself also from turbulence in Iraq, told its media to stop badmouthing the Saudis, and asked the French president to see if the Americans would co-sponsor their talks with Israel......

Inside and outside the region, there is much speculation that Syria is about to ditch its alliance with Iran. Should this happen, Syria's relations with Hizbullah are bound to change and Lebanon's domestic politics will never be the same again......

A senior French diplomat told Al-Ahram Weekly that Europe has been trying to find an alternative political course that would wean Damascus away from its Iranian connection. Their alternative was Turkey, which is not only smoothing up political problems for the Syrians, but may also prove to be of help in economic matters.

Europe has promised Damascus a role in the Union for the Mediterranean and is talking to the Americans about sponsoring direct Syrian-Israeli talks.....

Syrian analyst Said Moqbi believes that Europe's tactics are paying off, noting the fact that President Bashar Al-Assad went to Paris, gave the Lebanese a political break, started talks with Israel, and is keeping Damascus-based Palestinian groups on a tight leash. If Damascus maintains its current course, Tehran's influence in the region, as well as Hizbullah's clout, will start to peter away......."

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