Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sheikh Kassem: Hezbollah Will Avenge Imad Moghniyeh


"30/08/2008 Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Kassem told Al-Manar TV Friday that revenge for the assassination of top resistance commander martyr Imad Moghniyeh (Hajj Redwan) was a legitimate right of the resistance and “will come as a surprise to the Israelis when it happens.” "Revenge is the legitimate right. For everything there is a time, God willing," Sheikh Kassem continued. "We won't get into details, but the Israelis will be surprised."......

....Sheikh Kassem also warned Israel against heating up the border. “Should the situation on the border heat up once again, and war erupts, Kassem warned that Hezbollah was more prepared than ever and Israel would suffer even worse casualties than before. The next war will be worse than the aggressions of July. The mental situation of the Israelis is dejected, and if the Israelis come in, they will suffer heavy human losses."

"Israel always prefers that the fighting take place out of its territory," Kassem said. "If the fighting is in its territory, you can use pressure and create a balance of fear," he added.
The Hezbollah Deputy S.G. rejected the party was violating UNSC resolution 1701.
"Israel has flown more than 20 sorties a day from August 14 [2006] until today. We have not violated UN resolution 1701 even once," he said. "Buying weapons, preparation, and training are not connected to 1701. The decision talks only about a ban on armed men south of the Litani River, and in the past two years UNIFIL has not seen one armed man.""

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