Saturday, August 2, 2008

This is What the US Pays the Pharaoh Ehud Mubarak For: Five Palestinians suffocate to death after Egypt blows up tunnel.

Egyptians Killing Starved Palestinians for Zion; Does it Get Any Worse Than This? And Hamas Still Works With And Praises "Our Egyptian Brothers."

Contributed by Emanuel

"Five Palestinians were killed and 18 wounded in a smuggling tunnel under the Gaza-Egypt border after Egyptian troops blew up the entrance, an Egyptian security official and Gaza hospital doctors said Saturday.

"The destruction of the entrance deprived those inside the tunnel of oxygen," said the Egyptian official, who is stationed at the border and spoke on customary condition of anonymity. Gaza hospital officials said the five died from lack of oxygen.

The tunnel entrance was destroyed late Friday, near the Gaza border town of Rafah......."

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