Thursday, August 28, 2008

Torture As Official Israeli Policy

By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, August 28, 2008

".....The US and Israel are the only two modern states that legally sanction torture. An earlier article covered America. This one deals with the Jewish state....

Israeli Torture Violates International Law

From inception to today, and especially since its 1967 occupation, Israel's military and security forces have willfully, systematically and illegally practiced torture - as official state policy against Palestinian detainees called "terrorists." Yet Israel always denies it, and its 1977 Penal Law prohibits it.

In 1987, the Landau Judicial Commission addressed the practice after two among many revelations became public.....

PCATI's June 2008 Torture Report.....

Abuse Begins at the Start.....

Treatment During Transport - From Place of Arrest to Detention Facilities.....

Treatment in Temporary Army Base Detention.....

Treatment After Arrest.....

Coercive Field Interrogations.....

Israel on the Issue of Torture.....


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