Sunday, August 10, 2008

A victory!

"Dear Friends,

We wanted to thank all of you who called the Pamunkey Regional Jail. Because of your calls, Dr. Al-Arian has been transferred back to Alexandria, where he is close to his lawyers and where he is being treated relatively well. Sometimes, it may seem like your letters, calls, and faxes are simply ignored by the government and prison officials; sometimes, when the prison secretary stonewalls you and gives you the run-around, you feel powerless, but rest assured, every call you make, every email you send, every time you forward our action alerts to your friends, you DO make a difference, and last week proved that once again.

We won this battle but with only six days until the trial, we are still in a difficult situation. We need to redouble our efforts.

If you are in the Washington DC area, please attend the pre-trial hearing this Friday (see below for more details) to show your support. Otherwise,click here to learn what else you can do to help.

In solidarity,

The TBCJP Team "

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