Monday, September 22, 2008

'The American Left (Dailykos) Also Is Claimed by the Israel Lobby'

By Philip Weiss

"One of the most important political posts I've seen in a while was done by Richard Silverstein out of Washington State yesterday.......

.....This is a hugely important interchange. It shows that, as Mary-Kay Wilmers of the London Review of Books said to me so sagaciously 2 years ago, The American left is also claimed by the Israel lobby. It means that the burden of waging Israel's p.r. war falls so heavily even on liberal Democrats that you cannot broach the subject in good lefty circles without fear of ending the dinner party. It means that Jews are a tremendously important part of the Democratic base, left (Dailykos) or lib (Huffpo) it makes no difference. It explains why Peace Now never left AIPAC's constituent body and why brave J Street must be careful about how it attacks McCain on Jerusalem. It explains Mel Levine and Steve Grossman and the other Lieberman hawks who remain good bedfellows in the Democratic base and are Atilla the Hun when it comes to Israel, and explains why Dershowitz can call himself a "liberal Democrat" without demurral, and Jimmy Carter is PNG......."

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