Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dyncorp Training Lebanon's Internal Security Forces

Firm training ISF has had trouble elsewhere

"BEIRUT: US government-funded training for Lebanon's Internal Security Forces (ISF) is being provided by Dyncorp, a private military contractor whose conduct during similar missions in Iraq and Afghanistan has been heavily criticized, The Daily Star has learned....

Documents obtained by The Daily Star show that Dyncorp began recruiting for the ISF training program a year ago, targeting retired police officers in the United States for deployment to Lebanon.

Minutes from a meeting of the Houston Police Retired Officer Association in September 2007 show that a Dyncorp official asked members to apply for jobs at the ISF training academy in Beirut. "DynCorp is currently negotiating a contract to open a training academy in Lebanon," the minutes say. The retired officers were told that Dyncorp salaries "range from $118,000 in Afghanistan to $134,000 in Iraq" - much higher than ordinary police salaries in America.

Nineteen American police trainers are currently working in Lebanon for the private security giant, which provided security to Afghan President Hamid Karzai until 2005, on a contract with the US State Department. The "police academy" is part of a $60 million program aimed at training nearly 10,000 ISF officers by 2012......."

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