Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fatah leader: Abbas's security apparatuses protect Israeli citizens

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Husam Khader, the newly released prominent Fatah leader, said that the PA security apparatuses in the West Bank turned into parties protecting the security of Israeli citizens while Israel gives nothing in return, warning that there might be "another coup" against the PA in Ramallah.

In a press statement to the Israeli Haaretz newspaper, Khader castigated PA chief Mahmoud Abbas for negotiating with Israel, saying that the coup might occur because Abbas has achieved nothing in the framework of his talks with the Israeli occupation for two years, while his security apparatuses are indulged in protecting the security of Israel.

The Fatah leader underlined that anyone succeeding Abbas, who believes in negotiations and settlement process, would find himself before two options, either to resign or to start another intifada. He pointed out that the next Intifada would not be an uprising of stones or martyrs, but an uprising of missiles and weaponry.

Khader had accused immediately upon his release from Israeli jails influential parties within Fatah and the PA of turning him in to the Israeli occupation to arrest him.

Meanwhile, a report issued by the Hamas Movement and a copy of which was received by the PIC, the IOF troops and the PA security apparatuses shared the kidnapping of about 345 Palestinian citizens during August in different West Bank areas.

The report pointed out that the IOF troops kidnapped about 175 Palestinians including two women and killed two others during more than 136 incursions into West Bank areas.

The report added that the PA security apparatuses, in the context of its role in protecting Israel's security, kidnapped about 170 Palestinians, summoned dozens of women for investigation and raided huge numbers of humanitarian institutions and commercial stores."

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