Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hamas Asks the Pharaoh to Act Not Like a Pharaoh! How Pathetic of Hamas!

Hamas asks Mubarak to stop ill practices of Egyptian security forces at Rafah

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement has requested Monday Egyptian president Mohammed Husni Mubarak to immediately intervene to stop the heinous practices of the Egyptian security forces stationed at the Rafah crossing against the Palestinian people.

"These practices were foreign to the customs of the honorable Egyptian people", asserted Hamas in a statement it issued on Monday and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC.

The Movement also called on the Egyptian leadership to check the complaints of the Palestinian travelers on the Egyptian security forces of insulting Palestinian women, asking for bribes [from travelers], and of dealing with the Palestinian travelers on selective basis in cooperation with the Ramalah-based PA government that deepen the Palestinian rift further.

"Such painful practices that were published by media outlets are polluting the atmosphere of the Egypt-sponsored inter-Palestinian national talks in Cairo", Hamas underlined.

But the Movement hailed the efforts of the PA interior ministery personnel at the crossing point in facilitating and organizing the travelers' movement at the borders, commending the discipline and the honest way that were practiced by the Palestinian personnel in dealing with the Palestinian travelers and in dealing with the Egyptian administration of the crossing point which reveals that the PA interior elements were capable to run the crossing point efficiently.

The Movement also saluted the Egyptian people's eagerness to support and help the besieged Palestinian people in Gaza Strip with all available means [SAY WHAT??; WHO ARE YOU KIDDING??] , and to break the unjust Israeli blockade imposed on them, adding that the honorable Egyptian people are rejecting those ill practices of the Egyptian forces at Rafah crossing point."

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