Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Israel and Egypt, Partners in a War Crime: Israel traps UK journalist in Gaza

Press TV

"Israel has trapped ex-British prime minister Tony Blair's sister-in-law Lauren Booth in Gaza, arguing she entered the region illegally.

The British journalist was among the other 43 peace activists who made a voyage and entered Gaza aboard two protest boats in defiance of the Israeli blockade of the Palestinian territory.

The Israeli officials have denied her exit from the Palestinian territory, saying she and the rest of the campaigners aboard did not enter Gaza legally. "Her request presented at the end of last week was rejected because anyone who does not enter officially cannot leave officially," said Gil Kari, spokesman for the Israeli military office in charge of liaison with Gaza.

The British journalist first made the exit request on August 29 to leave the Palestinian territory through Israeli-controlled Erez crossing, but her request was rejected.

Her attempts to leave the impoverished region through Egyptian border were also in vain after the Egyptian authorities rejected her request.

"I'd actually like to say 'thank you very much' to the Israeli authorities at Erez for giving me this fantastic chance to feel just exactly what it is like to be inside what is effectively the world's largest internment camp, where individuals who should have the right to travel under international law are withheld in a 40 kilometer by 10 kilometer camp," Booth told the BBC.

Most of the activists who had sailed to Gaza aboard two boats through international waters on August 23 returned to Cyprus five days later, although some, including Booth remained in the Palestinian territory. The two boats returned to Cyprus a few days later, leaving behind 11 activists to carry out humanitarian work. Two others also tried to leave with Booth at the weekend but were prevented from doing so.

During their voyage, the Israeli regime tried to confront the campaigners through scrambling the boats' communication systems."

Also Please See Al-Manar on this Story:

Blair Sister-in-Law Denied Land Exit from Gaza

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