Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mideast Peace-Making Quartet Gets Flunking Grade

By Ali Gharib

"WASHINGTON, Sep 25 (IPS) - A new report from several international aid organisations blasts the Quartet, an international group assembled to facilitate the Middle East peace process, for failing to meet their goals in advancing a lasting peace between Israel and Palestinians....

"Unless the Quartet's words are matched by more sustained pressure and decisive action, the situation will deteriorate still further," said David Mepham, the director of policy for Save the Children UK, in a statement. "Time is fast running out. The Quartet needs to radically revise its existing approach and show the people of the region that it can help make a difference."

One of the stickiest issues addressed by the report, perhaps because it deals with a condemnation of Israel rather than an opportunity to advance Palestinian society, is the continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories in violation of the road map agreements, international law, and sometimes even Israeli law itself......"

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