Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More Than the Film Stands Between Iran and Egypt

Analysis by Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani

"CAIRO, Sep 16 (IPS) - Despite several goodwill gestures from Iran, Egypt appears adamant in its refusal to re-establish diplomatic relations -- frozen for almost 30 years -- with the Persian-speaking Islamic republic. According to opposition figures, Cairo's insistence on keeping Iran at arm's length comes largely as a result of U.S. prompting.....

"Iran has extended a number of goodwill gestures to Egypt and has even expressed its desire to re-establish full diplomatic ties," he said. "Yet Egypt has not taken a single step to improve relations."

Hassan went on to say that a restoration of Egypt-Iran relations could only be realised "when Egypt is master of its own foreign policy." Until then, he said, "Cairo's dealings with Tehran will continue to simply conform to U.S.-Zionist dictates." "

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