Thursday, September 25, 2008

New York activists protest Leviev fundraiser

Press release, Adalah-NY, 24 September 2008

"Manhattan's elite were aghast to be greeted yesterday evening by 25 chanting protesters when they exited their SUVs and limos to attend a glitzy fundraiser sponsored by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev for the Museum of the City of New York. Leviev has been criticized for his businesses' human rights violations and unethical practices in Palestine, Angola, Namibia and New York City.

The Director of the Museum of the City of New York had failed to respond to phone calls and a 16 September letter from the New York rights coalition Adalah-NY, that is promoting a boycott of Leviev's businesses. Adalah-NY's letter informed the museum of the inconsistency of Leviev's business practices with the museum's mission, and with non-profit ethical standards. Alex Stern of Adalah-NY explained, "I've been going to the Museum of the City of New York all my life to see exhibits about New York's diversity and about local communities battling against poverty. So it's upsetting to me that the museum welcomed a sponsor who is impoverishing and destroying communities around the world."........"

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