Wednesday, September 10, 2008

“No Peace in Region as Long as Israel Exists"

"09/09/2008 Hezbollah's Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the Middle East region will not witness peace as long as Israel exists and eyes other countrys' land and water.
In an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting IRIB, Sayyed Nasrallah warned that the region “will not see the light of peace and stability due to Israel's aggressive and belligerent nature.”
Referring to Israel's heavy defeat during its 33-day war against Lebanon Sayyed Nasrallah said: "Israel will not give up its dreams and will use aggression as a means to make them come true."
He stressed the improvement of the Lebanese situation depended on how the Iranian nuclear issue was dealt with and on the indirect Syrian-Israeli negotiations. He also said that he did not know when Israel might wage a war against Lebanon, but warned that the Jewish state could not foresee the results of wars against Iran, Syria, Gaza or Lebanon. "If Israel wages war against Lebanon, Syria, Iran, or Gaza, ... such aggressions would bring about unbearable consequences for the Zionists,” the Hezbollah S.G. said.
Sayyed Nasrallah revealed that the resistance enjoys an unprecedented strength that can thwart any plots against Lebanon's sovereignty.

"We are now in the best possible shape. That includes the movement's logistic, military, and personnel preparedness that enables us to withstand any possible aggressions."

His eminence added that Hezbollah has succeeded in uniting the Lebanese around the resistance, saying "the resistance considers Israel as the enemy of the Lebanese and this is an undeniable reality that unites people."

Sayyed Nasrallah further criticized those who are intimidated by the US might and give in to Washington's bulling policies, saying "our experience has showed that the US can not do whatever it desires in the region." "

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