Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Palestinian Journalists Block demands an investigation regarding the increased incidents of harassment against journalists by the PA

By Iqbal Tamimi
Palestine Think Tank

"The Palestinian Journalists block has sent me a number of e-mails expressing their serious concerns regarding the security services of the Palestinian Authority increasing incidents of harassment against Palestinian journalists in the West Bank.

The block of Palestinian Journalists expressed their concerns regarding the way the PA services are treating Palestinian journalists, especially after hearing the testimony of our colleague journalist Awad Rajoub, who works as a correspondent for the Al-Jazeera web site. Many e-mails were received reporting about the ill treatment he faced during detention, and how he was subjected to inhumane conditions by the Palestinian security services, during the detainment period of over a month in the West Bank.

Colleagues at The Palestinian Journalists block expressed growing concerns regarding the continuing detention of the Palestinian journalists Mustafa Sabri and Fareed Hamed. Both have been detained since more than 45 days. Their colleagues fear they are being subjected to torture and inappropriate treatment by the security services. Their colleagues expressed worries claiming that the Palestinian Press Syndicate is not making any effort towards releasing them, and is instead keeping silent. No moves have been made to secure their release......"

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