Friday, September 26, 2008

Qassem: Broadcast of ugly scenes never happened in Gaza is a misleading act

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Dr. Abdelsattar Qassem, a Palestinian writer and professor of political science, stated Wednesday that the ugly scenes from Iraq which the PA-affiliated Palestine TV broadcast claiming that they took place in the Gaza Strip are a manipulation of the Palestinian people's feelings and a misleading act.

In an exclusive statement to the PIC, Dr. Qassem warned that the PA is working on tarnishing the image of Hamas and mobilizing the public opinion against it, adding that the PA in Ramallah deliberately and greatly exaggerates events when it comes to Gaza.

The writer underlined that the professional integrity of the PA media outlets is totally absent, pointing out that the PA media had been broadcasting lies and misinformation since their inception.

Regarding the broadcast of such scenes while there is anticipation of national dialog, the writer said that talk about national dialog is a lie used by the PA for local consumption and is not likely to take place, but if it ever happens, it will not be serious.

In a press statement received by the PIC, the Palestinian police in Gaza decided to file a lawsuit against the Palestine TV for broadcasting ugly scenes from Iraq and claiming they happened in the Strip.

The Palestinian police called on the Palestine TV to refrain from belittling the citizen's mindset and from dealing with the Palestinian people as ignorant people."

COMMENT: Related to this story, please see the video posted just below this post. That video contains scenes shown on Mahmoud Abbas' TV in Ramallah, which it claimed illustrated the crimes and brutality of Hamas. In the video, bound prisoners are dropped from the top of a three-story building. Abbas' TV said that those dropped were from the Hillis family in Gaza as punishment for their role in the sabotage campaign a couple of months ago, in Gaza.

Trouble is, those scenes shown by Abbas' TV were actually from a video by CNN and it came not from Gaza but from Iraq! The attempt to frame Hamas and to defame it has backfired badly on Abbas and his US media handlers. His media outlets have degenerated to even lower than their already low standards.

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