Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin: The Xena of the War Party

The neocons embrace the politics of celebrity

By Justin Raimondo

".....The Palin choice is really all about the internal politics of the GOP, as much as it is about the hubris of McCain's handlers. With the party led over the cliff by the neocons, whose Iraq adventure has cost them control of Congress and likely the White House, it was necessary to start anew. By reaching back into the party grassroots, and playing the gender card, the neocons could retain control of the GOP instead of being blamed for its demise – and, perhaps, hold on to the White House.

It's a big gamble, because Palin's unreadiness to be President, in the event of McCain's untimely demise, is all too apparent. Far from injecting a youthful note into the campaign, Palin's physical presence next to the Old Man only underscores his advanced age – and the prospect of President Palin staring us in the face. If that doesn't scare voters, then nothing will......"

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