Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Syrian FM: We are waiting for Livni government's position

"Wall Street Journal reports senior American, Syrian diplomats held series of meetings in New York. Walid Moallem tells daily indirect talks with Israel 'promising', most important thing is 'to have the political will to achieve peace based on Madrid terms of reference and land-for-peace'......

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that senior American and Syrian diplomats held a series of meetings in New York over the past week, in what the New-York-based daily said was "a sign of a potential thaw between the US and a country that President George W. Bush has alleged is a principal sponsor of international terrorism."

The report said US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem were among the senior officials who took part in the talks.

Participants in the talks said told The Wall Street Journal that the diplomats discussed Washington's support for peace talks between Syria and Israel over the future of the disputed Golan Heights region and Damascus's role in the security situations in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories......"

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