Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Adib Kawar and Rafik Abi Younis: The uprooting conspiracy of Iraqi Christians

Introduction and translation from Arabic by Adib Kawar
Palestine Think Tank

"What is taking place in Mosul and other parts of Iraq against the Christian component of the Iraqi people, which is one of its oldest components of the Iraqi society, is not the first crime to be committed by the occupation forces and their strategic ally the Zionist state. It was preceded by the Zionist occupation authority in Palestine… The Zionist entity is trying to empty Palestine of its Arab population by means of pitting the different religious components against each other to ease its control on the whole of Palestine and empty it of its indigenous Arab population… The Zionist entity is claiming that Palestinian Arab Christians are migrating from Palestine as a result of “Muslim aggression and terrorism” against them (!!!), it is the contrary, the Zionist state is the “authority” committing its terrorism against all the components of the Palestinian Arab society.....

.....With the development of this dangerous situation it is of utmost importance to stress the following recapitulations:

1. It is not sufficient and persuasive that the counter campaign against what Christians in Iraq should be limited to is protests and denunciations, as what is taking place has exceeded in its size and aims a passing incident against a major component of the Iraqi society, and in particular in the city of Mosul where the plan reaches the extent of complete extermination and expulsion.

2. What is taking place cannot be committed by an expiatory group with limited possibilities by itself to commit such a role throughout Iraq, but it is likely that there is big support by enemy forces led by Israel whose outfits are openly operating day and night backed by U.S. intelligence services. They all aim at destroying the relations that bring together the various components of the Iraqi society and its diversity that is reflected by the Christian presence and their role in the Iraqi society, and so that there will be no more patriotic or national unity, and thus have the stage open for sectarian and denominational conflicts that drives the country one day after another to destruction and fragmentation.

3. The underlying accusations against the resistance forces behind the assaults committed against Christians aim at acquitting occupation forces from the crime and justifying connivance of the Iraqi authority with it....... "

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