Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ahmadinejad: Occupiers Failed in Iraq


WARNING: This article is surreal and Orwellian; read at your own risk!

"21/10/2008 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that the Iraqi nation prevented the occupiers from attaining their goals in the region through resistance [But who did the resisting? Certainly not Jafari and other Iran-supported puppets!]and steadfastness.

In a meeting with former Iraqi prime minister and head of Da'wa Party, Ibrahim Jafari, he added that the occupiers intended to discredit the Iraqi nation to the extent that the region does not even dare to think of safeguarding their dignity and honor. "Iraqi nation experienced tough conditions while the occupiers failed to achieve their objectives due to the resistance of the Iraqis,"[ But why did Iran help those same occupiers? By (among other things) supplying false intelligence to the US through its agent Chalabi claiming Saddam had WMDs, and having its "Grand" Ayatollah Sistani telling Iraqis NOT TO RESIST THE OCCUPIERS!] he reiterated.

Referring to the situation in the region and in Islamic states, Ahmadinejad pointed out that conditions in the region and world are turning rapidly in favor of regional nations. "This is an exceptional opportunity for introducing human liberating ideal to the world," he noted.

Stating that the America's economy and politics are on the verge of destruction, the Iranian President further said that its conditions are by far weaker than what is being propagated over the media. "Of course, their greatest failure is rooted in the failure of materialistic ideas and liberal democracy," he said.

Jafari, for his part, briefed Ahmadinejad about the current situation in Iraq and hailed the Islamic Republic of Iran's policies vis-a-vis Iraq as honorable. "Iran has always helped Iraqi nation in the past years," he said. Referring to the rallies in recent days in the country, he said that by turning out in massive numbers, the Iraqi people explicitly protested against the security deal.

Pointing out that conditions in America has been worsening, he also said that it has lost its political glory and Europe, Russia and even regional countries do not attach any significance to it."

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