Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Akka mayor incites against Arabs, disregards their rights

"Two weeks after the violent clashes in Akka (Acre) its mayor addressed a crowd of Jews at a synagogue in the city on Tuesday and said that the city belongs to the Jews and will belong to them forever, thus ignoring the thousands of years of Arab and Palestinian history in the city, the Arabs48 news website reported.

“Acre belongs to us”, the mayor Shimon Lankri said, “it will remain ours forever and ever”.

The statements of Lankri came as he addressed Jewish workshiper marking the Simhat Torah Jewish feast, Israeli online daily, Haaretz reported. His statement came only two weeks after violent clashes between Jews and Arabs in th city. The clashes lasted for five days.

The mayor went on to say that Acre will remain “marching forward despite our enemies” referring to the indigenous Arab residents. His statements were met with enthusiasm and applause among the crowd.

Meanwhile, Shas Knesset member, David Ozlay, said that Israel will never stop turning Akka into a Jewish city and yet added that “Israel will also respect its neighbors”.

On his side, Lankri said that “we will not allow them [the Arabs] to break our will, we will not allow them..”

Acre will remain ours forever and ever, it was ours and will remain ours, we will not allow anyone to destroy the city”, Lankri added, “no one can raise his head in front of us, and if anyone does, we will know how to cut it”, the Arabs48 news website quoted Lankri stating. "

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