Thursday, October 30, 2008

Al-Jazeera Video: What next for US-Syria relations? - Inside Story - Oct 29 2008

COMMENT: Notice the pathetic, weak, and groveling attitude of the Syrian government spokeswoman. Indeed this Syrian regime is the best punching bag; anyone can punch it with total impunity! What was the so-called Syrian army doing while those US helicopters flew 8 kilometers inside Syria in broad daylight? Most likely that army was chasing Syrian "dissidents" and keeping most Syrians under its boots. That, typically, is the role of all Arab armies.


Part 1:

Part 2:

"Syria has ordered the closure of the American School and the US cultural centre in Damascus. The closures are a response to a deadly cross-border raid carried out on Sunday, October 26, 2008. Damascus blames the US for the attack on a Syrian village near Abu Kamal, close to the border with Iraq.

Syria called the raid criminal and terrorist aggression, while Washington called it a successful operation. Eight Syrians were killed in a US raid on the village of Sukariya.

We ask: Is the Bush administration trying to make a desperate point in its final days? Is it warning Syria, or is the US foreign policy likely to change with the new administration?"

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