Monday, October 20, 2008

The ASSHOLE'S Answer to the Pogroms Against Palestinians? Plant a Million Trees!

As settlers attacks increase, Abbas calls on the Palestinians to plant a million trees

"In the wake of escalating attacks carried out by extreme Israeli settlers against Palestinian villages and orchards in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, urged the Palestinians on Sunday to plat a million trees.

The settlers escalated their attacks as the Palestinians started their olive harvest season. Such attacks are similar to attacks carried out by the settlers in previous seasons.

Abbas slammed the ongoing attacks carried out by the settlers and by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, His statements came during a meeting with Palestinian authors and columnists in the central West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday,

On Saturday, an extremist settlers group attacked Palestinians and internationals picking olives in the southern West Bank district of Hebron. Several local and international reporters witnessed the attack.

During his speech, Abbas called on the Palestinians to plant olive trees in their lands and on the hills in order to counter the continued aggression carried out by the settlers.

Abbas added that he would personally provide funding for planting a million trees in the West Bank in order to convert it into a green area......

Thousands of Palestinian families depend on their groves and orchards as their only sources of livelihood.

Several Israeli Human Rights groups, inluding B'Tselem, document the repeated settler attacks against the Palestinian villagers and their orchards. "

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