Thursday, October 23, 2008

A bitter harvest

The West Bank's olive harvest is in full swing, and so are the settlers' clubs and the soldiers' batons

Seth Freedman, Thursday October 23 2008

"The West Bank version of the adage "Give a man a fish …" appears to have been remodelled along far more sinister lines of late. Instead, the prevalent attitude is to not only snatch the lion's share for the benefit of the settlers, but also to kick the Palestinians while they're down on their knees scrabbling to glean whatever morsels they can from what's left.

The olive harvest is in full swing at the moment; so too are the settlers' clubs and the soldiers' batons, as they do their level best to impede the farmers' attempts to harvest their meagre crops the length and breadth of the Occupied Territories. I went to the tiny hamlet of Izzmut this week, unhappily situated alongside the settlement of Elon Moreh, from whose borders emanate almost daily attacks by settlers hell bent on disrupting the proceedings......"

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