Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A third Palestinian Intifada in the making

By Ramzy Baroud
Asia Times

"As the likelihood rises of a third Palestinian uprising, the second and first must be scrutinized. Palestine's revolts have historically been against the failings of their own leaders and the railroading of their cause by other Arab states, as well as the Israeli occupation. While it is certain a third Intifada will result in new, unpredictable realities, it is clear the Palestinian people need to reassert ownership of their destiny.....

Palestinian uprisings are often a collective response to hard questions. The chances are the next Intifada - as surely there will always be one as long as the occupation continues - will find again a popular rejection of the ills which have afflicted the Palestinian cause, It would once again reassert the relevance, if not the leading role of the Palestinian people as the real owners of their fate, and guards of their own struggle. "

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