Friday, October 31, 2008

Francis Fukuyama Endorsing Obama!

Contributed by Zarathusta with a Comment:

"I have mentioned before that Obama must win in order to preserve the empire and restore its domination. Look no other that Fukuyama endorsing Obama.

After being a cheerleader for the war for years and the biggest endorser of the neo-cons , he has the chutzpah now to say
: "It is hard to imagine a more disastrous presidency than that of George W. " ...what a tragic comedy." -- Zarathustra

By Francis Fukuyama

"I’m voting for Barack Obama this November for a very simple reason. It is hard to imagine a more disastrous presidency than that of George W. Bush. It was bad enough that he launched an unnecessary war and undermined the standing of the United States throughout the world in his first term. But in the waning days of his administration, he is presiding over a collapse of the American financial system and broader economy that will have consequences for years to come. As a general rule, democracies don’t work well if voters do not hold political parties accountable for failure. While John McCain is trying desperately to pretend that he never had anything to do with the Republican Party, I think it would a travesty to reward the Republicans for failure on such a grand scale....."

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